Lessons from the pandemic

HTX Tommy
1 min readOct 15, 2020

My personal (some shared with my wife) realizations…

(I’ll be continuously updating this as I encounter more)

Companies are realizing that a large portion of their workforce (if not all) are able to work from home and actually be MORE productive.

Companies are realizing none of their employees can work from home and still be productive.

Intelligent people (or so we thought) are still prone to doing some incredibly foolish things; nonsensical, contradictory, thoughtless, irresponsible, inconsiderate, hypocritical things.

Many feel that since Covid has not affected them or someone they know, it is not a big deal. — “Why should I take so many precautions? I don’t have it.” (-insert data about asymptomatic carriers here)

With essentially 2 hours gained from not commuting to and from work, there is absolutely no excuse now to not exercise.

With 2 hours gained, daily homecooked meals are more of a reality now rather than a pipedream.

Some people just can’t seem to stand staying indoors for an extended amount of time (ie. self-quarantine), despite risking the safety of others.

